Lockdown Lowdown with Lesley
Here are some of the ways our brilliant Home-Start West Lothian staff members have adapted to working through lockdown! Thank you Lesley
What’s an Average Day during lockdown like for you?
My day varies but its most working with groups on things like Delivering Steps to Success class on a Thursday evening from 8.05pm after “Clap for Carers”. Generally I start in the morning with emails. Then, Emily, Steph and myself will have a Zoom to discuss updates and prepare for the group work. I also post information on affirmations, quotes and other appropriate information to support mental health and well -being. My favourite thing is story-Time for Families. I have pre-recorded stories and one is shared every Monday at 10am on the Positive Parenting page.
What would be your advice to Families:
“Use this time to reflect on the past and prepare for the future”. I hear people say, ” I just want to get back to normal”. What is normal? Look at this statement and ask yourself if you were happy with the way ” Normal”. was. What changes are you going to make to improve your life and that of your family? Use this time effectively to do something you have always wanted to do. It could be going for a daily walk to appreciate nature, Couch to 5K, learn to bake or cook, gardening, DIY, reading or any other fitness activity. When will you ever have so much free time again!
Best ever lockdown tip:
Stick to a routine. This is so important for you and your child or children.
Ideal Lockdown Partner/s
The people I’m sharing the experience with just now. My 3 special boys. I wouldn’t change it for the world!! 🙂The boys can often pull some practical jokes. Thought I would share this with you all especially with the loo roll shortage!!