Home-Start West Lothian gets JustGiving page.
We are really pleased to have set up for official JustGiving page that will enable supporters to help fund Home-Start West Lothian.
You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular giving amount here.
We would love it if you would be interested in doing more fundraising for Home-Start West Lothian too. There are lots of ways in which you can raise money for our cause and have fun at the same time. Whether it is joining in a major sporting event like a 5 or 10k or even a half marathon for the adventurous. There are so many fundraising ideas from Bake Sales to head shaves to sponsored activities and it all goes to help children and families in West Lothian.
If you would like more info on how to help Home-Start West Lothian fundraise please get in touch with manager@homestartwl.org.uk