Why do we put limits on ourselves?
I’ve just written this for our families and wanted to share it with you all, as I think we are all guilty of forgetting this at times.
We are brought into this world as perfect shiny diamonds, we’re flawless and have the potential to be anything we want to be. As our lives go on and we are impacted by the circumstances around us we become a bit ruffled and tainted by the not so nice things this world has to offer. For some of us this tainting is caused by other people, for some of us it’s events that happen or the environment around us but no matter the cause we all start doubting ourselves and start thinking that we’re not good enough. We tell ourselves not to try things and our circumstances wouldn’t possibly allow us to reach our goals. This is a barrier that prevents us from getting hurt, or even more tainted… and we do it to ourselves, we just allow this to happen because what else can we do?
Well, guess what? Underneath the rubbish stuff that this world throws at us we are still that perfect shiny diamond. You have the same ability as all the greats of this world, you just have to put your mind to it and shed all that negative stuff in the process. Michelle Obama? She was told she wasn’t smart enough to go to university, she graduated law school and was a very successful lawyer before becoming one of the worlds most influential women; she’s allowed herself to be a diamond. Did you know that Walt Disney was fired and went bankrupt before his first successful film was released? Another diamond. Oprah Winfrey…. Considered a worldwide diamond, did you know she overcame abuse, poverty and neglect?
The point is we all have the ability to achieve great things and be truly happy, it’s all about how we handle the hard stuff. If Covid-19 has taught us all anything it’s that life is short and so so precious so dream big, work on doing things that make you the best version of yourself and shed that tarnished outer shell because with a good attitude, ambition and drive you are that perfect shiny diamond… and don’t let anyone tell you any different. “