Stacey’s Blog – Referrals
Family Coordinator Stacey has written a blog about how to referral process at Home-Start West Lothian. If you know someone that you think we could help or you would like to talk to use about possible help then get in touch.
During these uncertain times we are still continuing to accept referrals and support families.We are an early intervention service and the criteria for the service is that the family must have one child under five. Families are referred to the service for various reasons some of which include social isolation, poor mental health, multiple births, support with budgeting and managing children’s behaviour.
All referrals must be made with the consent of the family. After agreeing with the family to put a referral in you can request a referral form by emailing or you can contact the office on 01506 415755 (in office hours) if you would like to discuss the referral with a member of staff. In the referral form you will be asked to identify the families needs which helps us to see how the service can best support the family.
When a family has been referred to the service one of the family support co-ordinators will contact the family and arrange a home visit. Due to current circumstances initial contact to discuss the referral is being carried over the telephone. As we are a needs led service this provides us the opportunity to discuss and agree the identified needs with the family and the positive outcomes they would like to work towards. Furthermore this also enables the family support co-ordinator to match a volunteer based on the families identified needs. Once a family has been matched with a volunteer the referrer is informed and is kept up to date on progress.