Sign your business or company up to do the Virtual Kiltwalk for Home-Start West Lothian
Scotland’s Virtual Kiltwalk 2021 – Fri 23rd – Sun 25th April
With mass events looking unlikely in the first half of this year, The Kiltwalk are back with ‘Scotland’s Virtual Kiltwalk’ taking place on the weekend of the 23rd – 25th April 2021.
If your West Lothian business or company is looking for a local charity to support then we would LOVE to talk you about doing the Virtual Kiltwalk for us. Just contact for chat and more info.
Home-Start West Lothian is a long-established local charity offering support, friendship and practical help to parents with young children, in communities throughout our community.
The money you raise will help us to help support families that going through a tough time. With the help of our amazing volunteers we help parents and their children with issues like social isolation, mental health, increasing reliance or even just helping parenting advice.
The best bit of the Virtual Kiltwalk is Sir Tom Hunter and The Hunter Foundation will be topping all funds by 50%. Every £100 raised means we get an extra £50 – amazing!
Contact us today about your business supporting Home-Start West Lothian. In return for a pledge of a minimum sponsorship of £75 per person, we can provide a place for your team members and an exclusive Home-Start West Lothian T-shirt. a
Walking for Home-Start West Lothian and help children get the best start in life because we all know ‘childhood can’t wait’.
Where – Anywhere you want.
How – You can walk , hop, skip or jump and do ANY distance you want too
When 23rd – 25th April
For more on the Kiltwalk
* Subject to the latest Government and local health guidelines