Carol Anne’s Volunteer Journey at Home-Start
Carol Ann has been volunteering at Home-Start West Lothian for a few years. Her journey volunteering has been something that’s really enriched her life. By helping other people, Carol Ann found that she was also helping herself.
I needed something for myself. Something to bring me into the world again. Something that would help me. I’m a good listener and felt I was able to help other with their problems. I had been stuck in the house for a long time, nearly 5 years, and I had social anxiety. I hadn’t really been out of the house other than work in that whole time
When I saw the advert, I wasn’t sure at first, as I didn’t think I could do it. I talked it over with some family members and they were encouraging, they knew I could do it and it would be good for me
The Volunteer Prep course first night I was really out of my comfort zone and totally nervous but really good group of people. After a few weeks we really gelled talking about why we were there. The training was so useful in helping me, it gave me confidence and I made friends out of it too.
Volunteering at Home-Start has given me a whole new confidence in myself and its making me feel worthwhile by helping someone.
If anyone is thinking about volunteering, I’d say give it a try, it enriches your own life and it’s a brilliant feeling knowing you are helping someone else by being there for them. It makes you put things in perspective of what you may have went through
I doubt myself at first but once I took that first step in volunteering, I know it’s the best thing I’ve done.
IF you would like to know more about volunteering please contact